Boy do I have a lot to update on! Kaden played his 1st year of machine pitch this year! I think he enjoyed it a lot more than T-Ball. He loves playing catcher and 1st base. His called him Kaden "the kaboom" Lansing. I asked why, he said it was cause his hit so hard! Funny guy, but he really did hit some damn good hits to the outfield!
I guess this would be where I insert a picture of our new house, but I don't have one! Yikes! But we did buy a new house in April and moved to West Richland. It was a little different, being the Kennewick girl that I am. We have terrific neighbors, and they have kids so the boys have someone to play with. Which has been a godsend! Thank you neighbors!
Kaden had a his 7th birthday in our new house.....not sure why the writing turned blue.....anyway, that handsome man next to him is one of our new neighbors Michael. They are the same age and are going into the same grade together, however, they don't have class together.
Here are my little men on the 4th of July. Kellen never takes great pictures, he always has a sourpuss face! Anywho, Ryan was working (on nights) so he didn't get to spend the day with us. We didn't do much, but being the super cool mom that I am, I went down to the firework stand, in West Richland of course (cause mortars are legal in West) bought a package of fireworks that fly high! My neighbor and I took turns lighting off our fireworks and neither of us lost a finger! Whew!
So me and the boys went to LA to visit my brother Ricky! We spent the day at Santa Monica Beach, went to Disneyland for a day, Ragging waters water park another day, and hit a Dodgers game. We all had a ton of fun! Though the boys fought like cats and dogs, they completely enjoyed themselves!
In August we rented a little house on the beach for a week in Lincoln City, Or. It was a blast and nice to get away! Ryan's sister Deana and her friend met us there and stayed a couple days too! The boys couldn't get enough of the beach. We bought some skim boards and Ryan and Kaden tried to do that. The water was of course freezing, but that's the Pacific Ocean for ya. Poor little Kellen looks like he got left out, but in fact he's there on Ryan's back. Couldn't get him to look at the camera. No surprise there!
Well my baby turned 1, I can't believe how fast one year has gone by! He really didn't care for his cake to much. Kellen is almost walking and is eating big people food now! Ya, no more baby jars to buy! He's says dadadada, mmmmmmmm (that's mama just incase you were wondering) and bbbbbbbbbbb (bottle) Shakes his head yes and no. He weighs in at 24 lbs and is 30 1/2 inches long. He's a big boy, but pretty sure the lbs will start coming off as soon as he starts running......
So here we are at the beginning of school 2010. Kaden started his new school 2 day ago, and was so nervous cause he was going to be the new kid in class. He did well and made a couple new friends. Of course when I asked what there names were he couldn't remember. He likes his teacher and gets to play with Michael our neighbor at recess.
So now that I've posted all of this, I hope it uploads ok to the computer! Hopefully pictures will be with the right captions! If not, oh well! It's been a busy summer!