I'm doing pretty good, very uncomfortable and hot all the time. Only 2 months left! Yipe! So far I have passed all the tests for pregnant ladies. Almost didn't pass the diabetic test, but ended up passing that with the 3 hour test! That was totally boring. I've been eating like a horse, so my weight gain is pretty steady, but haven't gain an extreme amount of weight. Only gained so far 22 lbs!
Kaden is finally done with Kindergarden. He met his 1st grade teacher and some of the kids that are going to be in his class next year. He's pretty excited about that. Kohen still talks about going to school, he doesn't realize that Preschool is out for the summer, so I'm always telling him, "schools out for the summer".
Ryan training for SPOTC is almost over and he will go back to his normal shift work. He's leaves for Tulsa soon for the last competition. Hope all the guys do a great job!! :-) It will be weird not having Ryan here for a week. The last time we spent that much time apart was back in 2001 when I spent 2 weeks in London. Oh well!! Guess I'll just have to hang out at my parents pool!!! Darn! :-)