Ok, so Kohen turned 2 on November 10th. We celebrated it this last weekend. We kept it real small, just immediate family. We used to invite extended family and friends to Kaden's b-day's and it really just gets to expensive! Not to mention he really doesn't need all those toys! So we decided only to do big bashes for the big b-days, like 1st, 5th, 10th and so on! Anywho, it turned out pretty good. Kohen likes Spongebob so that what we did.
It was a pretty busy weekend for us, I had a jewelry show Friday night, which was in Sunnyside and was dark when I got there and left and of course I got lost and was a little nervous! I locked my doors while I was driving. Somehow I ended up in downtown Sunnyside at 9:30 at night!!! SCARY!!! Anywho, finally made it home totally exhausted! Saturday was the birthday party and Sunday we had a Seahawks Party. We try to have a few of those during football season so we can get together with out friends! So like I said a pretty busy weekend. Thank goodness the next week and a half will be pretty tame! So I hope all of you have a very HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! And for those going out on Black Friday, GOOD LUCK!! :-)