Well as most of you know now..... i'm pregnant! Just about on my 13th week, so i've finally completed my 1st trimester! Which I have to say has been completely, utterly miserable!!!! No JOKE!!! I started getting sick the before Christmas if you you can believe that! Go figure! So I mustered thru like a trooper, just begging for the holidays to hurry so I didn't have to see anyone or do anything! I pretty much stayed in my house the month of January, only leaving on paydays to get groceries and to take Kaden to school. I've been so violently sick I pretty much went from bed to couch then bed again. Not a pretty sight, I'll tell you what! Had a little scare about 8 weeks. Started bleeding so I thought I was having a miscarriage again. I was not to happy about that. Well they ran an ultrasound and baby had a strong heartbeat! YEAH!!!! That's what the picture is from, my 8 week ultrasound. Looks like a peanut! Anywho, I went on my merry sick way home with the good news! I've been having severe stomach pain cause I have Acid Reflux disease and vomiting of course is not helping. So I've been thru every kind of anti-nausea medicine there is and of course I'm taking my Acid Reflux pills. Still to no avail my stomach is just wrenched with pain. I'm thinking we are in the 21st century here, there is got to be something they can do. I'm mean geez ...... it's not 1920! So ended up in the ER again with severe stomach pain and they presume to guess that I have a tear in my esophagus. They don't know for sure but that's what there guessing since I've been vomiting a lot! I suppose they could of done a scope just to make sure, but not sure they really wanted to since I'm preger's and all, but if it's going to help find the cause I say lets do it. Well no! Anyway, they gave me an IV shot some pain killers in me and Zofran (anti-nausea) waited for blood work and sent me on my way. I was feeling pretty good from the pain killers!!! :-) So I guess I have a tear in my esophagus, that's what they say, gave me some pain killers and Zofran for home and told me to follow up with my Dr. So here it is 1 week later, I think I've only vomited 3 times, which is really good and I have a follow-up with my Dr. tomorrow! So I guess we will see what happens then. I've been feeling pretty good, not much pain, a little but manageable.
My children have been completely amazing thru this last month. They are pretty good at keeping themselves busy, so when I was in bed I would turn the cartoons on and Kohen would come lay in bed with me for about 1 hour. He did positively wonderful! Kaden is such a big boy and so loving he would come check my head for a temperature and give me hugs and kisses in hopes that it would help make me feel better. What a good boy! He called himself Dr. Kaden! Of course I can't forget my wonderful husband, Ryan! He has been taking care of all the household stuff and working, I am so thankful to have such a wonderful husband! :-)
So now that I'm almost 13 weeks I'm hoping I'm on the road to recovery!!!! :-)