Well Kellen Ryan entered into the world on Monday August 17, 2009 @ 1:51a! Weighing in at 8lbs 10.5 oz, and 19 1/2 inches in length! I was admitted to the hospital on the 16th, dilated to a 4! They broke my water and started the patosum (probably spelled that wrong)! About 9:30p I was dilated to a 5 and decided to get my epidural at that time. I was starving since I have not had any food since 10a on Sunday. Since I was being rolled down to the operating room at 8:30a Monday morning I still couldn't eat. Got my tubal,

which was a very interesting experience. And final once I was able to hold down a cracker and some water I was able to eat, FINALLY!!! :-) Anyway, we stayed in the hospital till Wednesday afternoon, and am now home with my other two boys! It's been great, a little low on the sleep but that's to be expected. But when I do sleep, I'm enjoying the fact that I'm comfortable and don't get up every second to go to the bathroom. Kellen has been doing really well, though he doesn't like to sleep on his back. In the last couple days he's gotten up just a couple times in the middle of the night. He takes really good naps and eats very well! Kaden and Kohen are enjoying there baby brother and just love being around him. Kaden mostly! He's a great helper and an awesome big brother!
1 comment:
So cute! I swear Kellen looks just like you. I always think its weird when people say that about a baby but I swear I totally see you in him.
So glad you are comfortable again!
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